Company News Letter
September 2022
First Issue
Welcome to the first edition of your monthly employee newsletter. As you will see in the coming months, this project will be a work in progress. You may see changes in format and content as we strive to come up with a package that works for everyone. Some of the things you can expect to see as time goes on will be:
What’s Happening in the Company
Introductions of New Employees
Articles About Current Employees (with their
approval of course)
Incentive and Benefit Programs,
Birthday and Special Event Wishes
Who’s Here – Who’s Gone,
Training Initiatives
Employee of the Month and Year
A classified Section of Items for sale or trade (one man’s trash is another
man’s treasure type of thing
Memoriam page to those who have passed over the years
Of course anything pertinent to our profession will be highlighted, such as changes in laws or safety and medical issues.
There will also be a section for the “Recipe of the Month” submitted by anyone with a knack for “good cooking.” This will be a major undertaking so please bear with us as the
project gets underway with the first full edition planned for October 2022…

If you have been at Seman Tov for any period of time you’ve probably noticed some new faces this year. Please take a moment to introduce yourself and maybe give them the lay of the land if it’s someone from out of the area.
We now have eleven drivers who travel in from New York to be a part of our crew and a few other drivers and aides that have joined our growing family.
A little Humor...

Can you figure out who has been at Seman Tov the longest / continuously over the past 40 plus years?
Obviously Leah and Avi top the list, but that’s too easy.
Don’t forget when you’re trying to come up with the answer, to think of every job position (Driver, Aide, Mechanic and Administrator) or a combination of job
What's happening at Seman-Tov
It would appear that we may finally be coming out of one of the worst health epidemics in modern history. Please don’t let your guard down, it’s not over completely and we may never have our lives return to what we knew them to be prior to 2020. Effective in April, and based upon the Governor’s mandate, drivers, bus aides and students are not required to wear masks unless the CDC guidelines were to change in the future.
At our August (back to school) driver meeting it was discussed that fuel prices have increased dramatically over the past year, though there may be a summer lull, the odds are the prices at the pump will again. To combat the unforeseen increased cost of operations all drivers are asked to reduce any unnecessary idling time and mileage on their vehicles.
A reminder to all employees that ZONAR is our
mechanism to streamline both bus safety checks and
payroll for company operations. Please be sure to sign in and out with your ZONAR card to alleviate any payroll
issues. For the sake of motor vehicle compliance and to
save unnecessary fines please do the full safety and child checks on your vehicles.
Hopefully in the near future you will be seeing changes to our office and garage area. Seman Tov has purchased the property where the business is housed. We have been limited in what we could do in the past and strapped by tremendous rent and overhead cost for the past several years.

In Memoriam

Remembering our Seman-Tov friends and family who have passed away or retired